Emergency Medicine Health Equity Elective
Join Us! Emergency Medicine Health Equity Elective hosted by Temple Emergency Medicine Residency Program
We are excited to announce the Emergency Medicine Health Equity Elective, hosted by the Temple Emergency Medicine Residency Program. It is a unique opportunity for fourth year medical students interested in the field of Emergency Medicine who are underrepresented in medicine (URiM) and/or those who have a special interest in the social determinants of health and health disparities that affect the communities we serve as emergency medicine physicians. Within the four-week rotation, we offer experiences at multiple sites where patients are cared for, from the emergency department to inpatient addiction medicine consults to street medicine. We also offer a curated lecture series and an opportunity to attend classes in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine Center for Urban Bioethics to allow further in-depth discussion, reflection and skill building for your future career.
Please see attached flyer for further information. Email michelle.romeo@tuhs.temple.edu, or visit VSLO to find our elective. Actively recruiting for the 2023-2024 academic year, rolling admissions. Scholarships of up to $1000 available for eligible students to support travel, housing, and incidental expenses related to the rotation.
VSLO link: bit.ly/templeEMhealthequity
Link to supplemental application: https://forms.gle/94CVduAnxfBXSNhw5